Rural, Tribal, Young Women's Plans of Post-Partum Contraception, Preconception and During Pregnancy- A Community Based Study in Hilly Forestry Region with Extreme Poverty

Author Details

S. Chhabra

Journal Details


Published: 12 November 2020 | Article Type :


Background: Globally low and inconsistent use of contraceptives contribute to many unintended pregnancies. Despite its positive impact in reducing maternal child mortality and morbidity, utilization of contraceptives is very low in many developing countries. Potential of planning family, preconception and during pregnancy has not been researched well. Studies of women’s intentions of planning family, preconception, during pregnancy are not many.

Objective: Community based study was carried out to know rural tribal women’s plans preconception and during pregnancy about contraceptive use after birth.

Material Methods: Study was conducted in tribal communities of 100 villages. In these 100 villages community based mother and child care activities were initiated after having developed health facility for 24 hrs 7 days services in one of these 100 villages. Information about women’s plans of contraceptive use after child birth was collected from preconception women and pregnant women. All the women were interviewed in villages. A total of 2400 nonpregnant and 1040 pregnant women of 15-45 years were study subjects.

Results: Overall 1907 (79.45%) of 2400 women wanted to use some contraception, after their next birth. Around (20%) did not. Out of 1907 also 541 (28.36%) said use of contraceptive was to be decided by their husbands. Among 1040 pregnant women 216 (20.8%) said they wanted to use but were undecided about type and additional 606 (58.3%) said they would use the contraceptive of their husbands choice and 118 (20.6%) had no plans.

Conclusion: Quite a few women had no plans of contraceptive use neither preconception nor during pregnancy. Many said their husbands will decide. A lot of awareness is needed and empowerment to help them decide for themselves.

Keywords: Preconception, During Pregnancy, Awareness, Plans of Contraception.

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How to Cite


S. Chhabra. (2020-11-12). "Rural, Tribal, Young Women's Plans of Post-Partum Contraception, Preconception and During Pregnancy- A Community Based Study in Hilly Forestry Region with Extreme Poverty." *Volume 3*, 2, 42-50